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Ruling By Other Than What Allaah Has Revealed
  Ibn al-Qayyim on the Types of Kufr and Ruling by Other than What Allaah has Revealed
Author: Ibn al-Qayyim
Source: Madarij us-Salikin (Vol 1 pp.335-338) (trans. Abu Iyaad)`
Article ID : MNJ050006  [27993]  
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1. So the kufr of takdheeb - it is belief in the falsehood of the Messengers, and this type is not very common amongst the Kuffar, since Allaah the Most High has strengthened His Messengers and granted them such evidences and signs to establish their truthfulness that would be sufficient to establish a decisive proof, and (by which) any excuse would be finished. Allaah the Most High said about Fir’aun and his people "And they belied them (those Ayât) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their ownselves were convinced thereof (of their truthfulness)" (27:14)

2. The kufr of istikbaar and ibaa’ (arrogance and pride) - then that is like the kufr of Iblees for the did not deny/rejct the command of Allaah and he did not face it with rejection. But he responded to it with arrogance and pride - and from this comes the disbelief of the one who knows the truth of the Messenger and that he has come with the truth from Allaah, but he did not comply with it due to arrogance and pride. And this mainly, is the kufr of the enemies of the Messengers as Allaah the Exalted quotes from Fir’aun and his people: "Shall we believe in two men like ourselves, whilst their people are enslaved to us?" (23:47) and the saying of the various nations to their messengers "You are but men like ourselves" (14:10) and His saying "Thamud rejected (their Prophet) through transgression" (91:11), this is the kufr of the Jews, as the Most High has said, "And when that which they knew full well came to them (i.e. the Book of Allaah), they rejected it" (2:89) and he said "They know him (the Messenger) just like they know their own sons" (6:20), and this is like the kufr of Abu Taalib also who believed in him (the Messenger) and did not have doubt in his truthfulness but fanaticism overtook him and the aggrandisement of his forefathers, that he should not leave their religion and testify to their disbelief.

3. And as for the kufr of I’raad (turning away) - then that is to turn away with ones hearing and his heart, away from the Messenger - not believing in him and not rejecting him - not allying with him and nor showing enmity towards him - and never paying attention to that which he came with as one of the Banu Abd Yaaleel said to the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) "By Allaah, I will say to you a word: If you are truthful, then you are too great in my eyes that I should reply to you, and if you are lying, then you are more despicable than that I should (even) talk to you .

4. And as for the kufr of shaqq (doubt) - then that is when one is not certain of his (the Messenger’s) truthfulness and he does not disbelieve in him - but he has a doubt. And this doubt of his will not continue unless he deliberately turns away from looking into the signs (ayaat) related to the truthfulness of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) in general, such that he does not hear them and does not turn to them. But if he was to turn to them and look at them then no doubt would remain with him, since they (the ayaat) necessitate truthfulness, especially the sum total of them. This is because their indication of truthfulness is like the indication of the presence of the sun, that it is day.

5. And as for the kufr of nifaaq (hypocrisy) - then that is when he manifests eemaan upon his tongue and rejection is concealed in his heart and this is the greater hypocrisy and an explanation of its types will come later inshaa’allaah ta’aalaa…


And the kufr of juhood (rejection/denial) is of two types: absolute (mutlaq) and restricted (muqayyid, khass).

The absolute one is: that he rejects the sum of what Allaah has revealed and His sending of the Messengers.

And the restricted and specific: that he rejects/denies an obligation from the obligations of Islaam, or one of the forbidden actions, or an Attribute that He has described Himself with or something about which He informed - deliberately - or giving preference to the saying of one who opposes it for whatever objective that might be. But as for the denial of that due to ignorance, or a faulty interpretation, then a person is excused for this and he does not become a disbeliever by it. This is like the hadith of the one who denied Allaah’s qudrah over him and ordered his family to cremate him and to scatter his ashes. Despite this, Allaah forgave him and had mercy upon Him, since he was ignorant, since that which he did was in accordance to the limits of his knowledge, and he did not deny the qudrah of Allaah out of wilful opposition or denial (takdhib).

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