It is hoped that what has preceded leads the Jahmee and
those upon his way to repent - abandon the pseudo-intellectualism - and to truly
follow the madhhab of the Salaf - [which is to submit to the narrations, to
leave them as they have come, affirm the meaning and submit the knowledge of how
they are to Allaah, the Most High] - just as Abu Hasan al-Ash'aree repented and
declared himself free from the Mu'tazilah and also from the innovator, Ibn
Kullaab, in the later stages of his life and then adopted the madhhab of the
Salaf. And we have used harshness in what we have said since that is the way of
the Ahl us-Sunnah in dealing with the People of Innovation, and those affected
by them with the hope that perhaps that they may realise the gravity of their
sin and be led to repent. Al-Baghawee (d. 535H) - may Allaah have mercy upon him
said: "And the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) has informed about the
splitting of this Ummah and the appearance of desires and innovations within it
and he ruled that deliverance would be for the one who followed his Sunnah and
the Sunnah of his Companions - may Allaah be pleased with them all - Therefore,
it is necessary for the Muslim, when he sees a man engaging himself with
anything from the desires and innovations, believing in them, or belittling
anything from the Sunnah, that he flees from him, disowns him and leaves him,
dead or alive. So he does not give salaam to him when he meets him and nor does
he respond to him if he salutes first [and he should continue doing this] until
this person abandons his innovation and returns to the truth."[51]
And finally, the saying of the Salaf us-Saalih - which
shall remain till the establishment of the Hour and by which Allaah shall
perfect His light - even though the Innovators may detest it - is:
Everything that has been reported in the Book of Allaah
- the Mighty and Magnificent - of His Attributes, such as Face, Eyes, Hand,
Shin, Istiwaa (Ascending over the Throne) and others besides them and likewise
what the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) has decribed Him with
and which is established in the Authentic Prophetic Narrations such as the
Descending and other such things - then all the Scholars of the Book and the
Sunnah have faith in these Attributes and they affirm them for Allaah without
ta'teel (denying them), ta'weel (interpolation of the intended meaning),
tashbeeh likening them to the creation). And these are Attributes which befit
Allaah in a way that they do not resemble the attributes of any of the creation
due to His saying:
And there is nothing like Him [Soorah Shoorah 42:11]
So after all this, it must be asked: Is it that the
Words of Allaah the Mighty and Majestic are ambiguous and unclear while the
words of this lowly Jahmite are clear and decisive? Is it that the words of this
Jahmee zindeeq are pure and clear arabic tongue while the Words of Allaah are
other than that? Is it that Ibn Safwaan of this era has a better explanation
than the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) , the Noble Companions and the Taabi'een after them? Is
it that Allaah took away His Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) while the guidance was incomplete
and then tasked this lowly Jahmite to complete it with his
pseudo-intellectualism, theological rhetoric and the innovated principles of his
forefather, the father of the Mu'tazilah, al-Qaadee Abdul-Jabbaar?[52] Answer
these questions upon knowledge and a sincere heart and don't put the lying,
deceiving, treacherous imposter at the same level as those deeply rooted in
knowledge and piety, the Allaah-fearing scholars from the Salaf us-Saalih!!
A Summary
The following narrations from the Imaams of the Salaf
summarise the lessons to be learnt from this response to the neo-Jahmite.
Imaam Abu Haatim ar-Raazee (d. 277H) said: "A sign
of the Jahmiyyah is that they call the Ahl us-Sunnah 'Mushabbihah'
Abu Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (d. 449H) stated - about the
distinguishing signs of Ahl ul-Bid'ah: "...naming them [i.e. Ahl
us-Sunnah]with Hashawiyyah (Worthless People), Jahalah (the Ignorant),
Dhaahiriyyah (Literalists) and Mushabbihah (Anthropomorphists)..."[54]
Alee bin al-Madeenee - the teacher of Imaam Bukhaaree -
said: "When someone says so and so is an anthropomorphist (mushabbih) we
come to know he is a Jahmee".[55]